test shoot 8 – more portraits

Image making, Test shoots- image making

Here are some of the portraits I took of the England u15 team, I took a simple portrait of all of the players as well as group shots and a whole team photo

I would like to use a couple of the portraits to assist the previous shots in test shoot 7, the whole team shot to show how large the group is and how everyone can play. I would also like to use the shot I got of the coaches to show they also have to work as part of the team in order to coach the players.

test shoot 7 – portraits

Image making, Test shoots- image making

I decided to take a few portraits of the players from the third and fourth team, those that wanted their picture taken which meant i only managed to get few photos.

Here are the pictures it took, i tried to take a picture of the player with the whole post in shot, however it wouldnt focus and became too dark and you couldn’t focus on the player themselves so i decided to take close up portraits but holding the ball so there was still context for the image. Below are a few of my favourites from the shoot.

This is similar to the last image but i kept the post in this image, i like the position of the ball as well as you can see KV3 written on it and you can link that with the logo on the shirt and the fact its a tea, game.
In this image i positioned the ball so that you could see the international korfball federation on it so it gives some context for those who didn’t know what sport the ball is from. i also like how out of focus the background is so you can focus on the ball but also slightly make out other shapes in the background such as the shoe.

i may create a section of the book for portraits and team photos or whether to have them integrated with the age groups, i haven’t decided yet

test shoot 6 – team photos

Image making, Test shoots- image making

i was thinking about using team photos to start a new section in my book as it provides an establishing shot of the age group and so gives the viewer a better understanding of what they should expect in this part.

Test shoot 5 – compilation

Image making, Test shoots- image making

Here is a compilation of all my favourite images i’ve taken over the years that show teamwork and other pregame antics as well as general action shots.

This image was shot at the copperbox arena where the England national league finals and semi finals are held. Before each game when the players run onto the pitch they each bring on a junior to show and inspire the children where they could end up in the future if they work hard at the sport. You can see the happiness on almost all of the children’s faces as they stand on the pitch and see all of the spectators watching. There is a bit of mirroring in the image with the applause both in the foreground and background as well as between the adults and children.
I really like this image as the action shots makes it seem like the ball is coming out of the page as well as the player running towards you. i like how the ball and the player off to the left is framing the image so you focus on the players face and determination to pass the ball, you can see the happiness in his face as he passes the ball which shows the viewer the positive side off the sport.
i really like this image as it shows the respect players have for one another even when on different teams and especially in this instance as they are from different countries. This shows more than the other shots that I’ve taken as its not a normal hi 5 it shows more respect and intention. i like the angle of the image as you can see the facial expressions of both players as well as having them slightly set back with the referee int he foreground gradually leading back to the main shot.

Overall i like many of these images and the team work they show, i could use the final set of images to create a collage on a double page spread so that the pages in my book aren’t all the same set up and can show a series of moments in time so the viewer gets to see more than just one.

Test shoot 4 – Inter area

Image making, Test shoots- image making

I was invited to shoot at this years inter area this is where county junior teams compete, i of course wanted to capture individual shots for the client but as well take pictures for my own benefit for this project with hi 5’s, coaches team talks, team work.

i really liked this image as even at a young age there is still a player to coach relationship and shows how encouraging a coach needs to be for players to enjoy themselves and grow as players, especially at a young age.
Here i captured one of the players infjured and as you can see all the players want to check that they are alright both fromt he same team, the opposite and the referee.
Here you can see a girl and a boy hi fiving, even at a young age they still celebrate and feel part of a team which is great for developing their personal skills. The image may ave been improved if they showed a bit more emotion but you can still see the teamwork in the image.
similar to the last image you can see all of the players hi fiving the player who was subbed off, this shows the whole team coming together rather than just a selective few.i like the leading lines created in the image due to the players sitting down in the line and you can see the player slowly coming closer, creating anticipation.
Here are players showing respect t one another after the game, at even such a young age after the game all players shake each others hands as a sign of respect. i like that you can see both girls and boys n the frame as well as a girl shaking a boys hand just showing how equal the sport is and that there is no segregation. from the expressions on their faces you can see they are happy about it not just doing it because they have to.

Overall there are definitely many pictures from this shoot that i can use to show the variety of ages and types of people that can play korfball and nobody is left out. the photos themselves aren’t of the best quality due to the lighting they have become a bit grainy, but the meaning behind the images come through so the quality doesn’t effect the images too much.

test shoot 3- bucs tournament

Image making, Test shoots- image making

I was invited to shoot the bucs tournament for the day and so i shot the celebrations, defeats, team work and the games themselves. below are a few of my favourites i took from the day.

I liked this shot because you have the team celebrating a goal with a hi 5 but its a girl and boy which demonstrates the lack of segregation, you can see the happiness on the girls face which gives us an idea that it may have been her who scored but its a moemnt in time so you will never know. I like the angle of the image as it allows you to see the emotion on the girls face as side on you would have seen neither so it was best to capture one.
i lked the idea behind this image as you can see the coach perhaps ready to hi 5 someone as well as the girl in the background looking very happy although i feel its very busy and the angle isn’t too good as there isn’t much to look at. Maybe if i was closer you could have focused on the girls emotions or the coaches but from far away it is too busy.
This image has created anticipation as you can see the arm in the corner of the image ready to hug and celebrate with the girl, you can see how excited she is that they won the game and shows the viewers how sports allow you to feel.
In this image the spectators of a match were in fact the firt team while the second team were playing this shows although they are on seperate teams the fact they still come from the same uni and train together shows bonds are still made. although this might not be the best angle you are still able to see them cheering and the dedication they have to the sport. you are also able to see the banners they created which shows how much this means to them.
i quite liked this image as you can see the effort the team has put in to create banners and how much they support their second team, although you have a blurred player in the foreground of the image i think it creates movement and helps the viewer understand how fast paced the sport is.although the spectators aren’t cheering you are able to see the concentration in their face and how determined they are .

Overall i will definitely be using some of these images in my book as it shows the sport at a university level, as many of them may have only started playing at this level it still shows inclusiveness and how everyone can play no matter your ability.A lot of the images show the passion and how much winning means to everyone as well as the bond and relationship the team makes with each other and the coach.

Test shoot 2 – u15 training

Image making, Test shoots- image making

I was invited to shoot at the u15 training before they went and played in the world cup, i focused on capturing the social side of korfball as well as the relationship between the coaches and the players especially at the under 15 level as its more about encouraging and motivating.

I loved this shot because not only is there a shallow depth of field but i have captured the team socialising, drinking water between activities and having fun, it shows the relationship that is made when playing sports.
Here you have the coach talking to the players and you can see by her facial expressions that she is dedicated to making the team winners. although you can’t see the players faces i think its important that you can focus on the coach as you wouldn’t always see the coach in sports photographs. The image also provides context as you can see England written on their shirt as well as still seeing the ball so the viewers still know its korfball as otherwise it could have been taken in any sports training.
I also like this image of the coach as it shows a different relationship, the players laughing and joking with them, it would be nicer if there was more people in the shot also laughing and having fun as there is quite a lot of negative space although the plain background does help with this problem.
This image again shows the social side of the game, i like this image because you can see the girls and boys mixing together showing equality in a world that needs it. you can see the happiness in their faces and the viewer can really understand that they enjoy the game.

overall i will definitely be using some of these images in my book as although the lighting is not the best they really convey what i wanted to show about korfball being an equal and social sport where you grow a close bond with coaches and other players.

Test shoot 1 – Summer tournament

Image making, Test shoots- image making

Back in the summer i shot at the annual Kent tournament and national youth day, these allowed me to shoot across all the age groups and see older people playing against young in this inclusive sport. I captured more action shots these days but i wish i had shown the other side of the sport but i was still able to get some happy faces etc during play.

Here this image shows two players working together as a team, girls and boys, old and young, in this sport everyone gets to play. Again there is a nice shallow depth of field so we can focus on the passing of the ball and the main theme of the image which is team work and equality.
Although this image is a bit out of focus i love the expression and showing that you can still play and be involved in the game even when you’re older, The image shows dedication and determination, she isn’t just defending her player she is engrossed in the game and whats to be a part of it.

Overall i would like to capture more of the teamwork in the games but these images are very interesting too so i may still use them in my book to show parts of the game rather than just pregame etc.