Test Shoot 3

Identity, Test shoots- identity, Uncategorized

I decided to revisit the deaf club after having my tutorial as i found that i needed a few more shots that i had previously overlooked. Firstly i wanted to take an establishing shot so that the viewer had a better understanding of the deaf club as a whole, then i went on to taking close up shots of the hands so that i could tell the viewer to club was for those who were deaf but with out explicitly showing it, and then ending with some close up shots of the hearing aids worn as this would be a clear shot for the viewer to confirm their understanding of the images. Due to the poor lighting in the images i will be editing all my images into black and white as this will also give my photographs a sense of vulnerability and you focus less on the colours and more on the story behind the images.

I tried to focus on the hands as much as possible however as you use your hands as well as you face during sign language it was hard to focus solely on the hands but i can edit and crop some of the images to improve the focus of the images for the viewer.

Here is one of my establishing shots , I’ve found it seems to be on a bit of a slant so i will need to look at this in post production, this angle allowed me to capture all of the tables and give the viewer an overview of what the deaf club is like, although it isn’t very interesting as a photograph on its own i feel my final images need a wide angle image in order to start so the viewer can have a better understanding.

Here is another of my favourite establishing shots as it shows one of their activities where they pick out numbers in order for some money to be won, therefore this gives the image a bit more context and provides more for the viewer to look at.

Although the lighting is off i quite liked the composition of this image as you can see a conversation taking place rather than just one set of hands. The only Issue is you can still see a lot of her face which can alter the focus of the image, so i may have to look at other photographs where i can crop the face out of the image to ensure the focus is on the hands and the importance of them for a deaf person.

Lastly i would like to focus on this image, although it is very dark i can edit this in Photoshop and increase the contrast etc. As i already have an image from the last test shoot where i photographed this man but at a wider angle i may have to choose another image i took of a different lady, depending on my final images i decided to use.

Test Shoot 2

Identity, Test shoots- identity

For this test shoot i visited Medway deaf club and photographed their social night, here are a few of the images i took:

I found this test shoot very successful, i managed to capture moments of laughter, the communication, and just everyday activities that anyone else would do so i can show the viewer deaf people are the same as anyone else. Although the lighting isn’t the most flattering, with some editing i can improve this.

Here i wanted the focus to be on the hearing aid but also show that environment around him, i like how in the background someone is signing as it compliments the hearing aid.

Here i managed to capture the laughter of many of the ladies, you mainly focus on the two central women but as you look into the picture you can understand the happiness of the other two as well, this was one of the main images i wanted to capture as i wanted to show the viewer you can still be happy at an old age and being deaf.

In this image i wanted to show how the bar lady has learnt sign language in order to tell the club memebers the price of the drinks etc. which shows how you can still communicate with the deaf if you try, it shows us how there are still good people who want to try to make the world a better place for everyone.

In this image i wanted to show the club runner speaking to the members but in the foreground you can see a woman signing to the lady next to her this is because she has poor sight as well as hearing so her friend is signing closer to her so she can still understand whats going on.

Test shoot 1

Identity, Test shoots- identity

I won’t be using any of these images in my final prints i just wanted to practice photographing in low light conditions as the lighting is very difficult to work with.

In the seeping images i wanted to show the persnality of my grandad as he sleeps a lot throughout the day! Although this conforms to the stereotypes of growing older i still wanted to captuure this moment. I also wanted to picture the tv with subtitles as this is a very important aspect of their lives in still being included in everyday society.

All of the images are very grainy so in my future shoots i need to ensure there are more lights on as otherwise they will be very poor quality images.