Test shoot 5

Environment, Test shoots, Visual practice

Test shoot 4

Environment, Test shoots, Visual practice

Test shoot 3

Environment, Test shoots, Visual practice
What I love about this image is the motorbike showing a contrast in movement against the stationary bench as well as the cross on the church, which Both enhance the basic image. Unfortunately I cut out the mothers feet in this image which does affect the image but only slightly, I aim to crop out the bin so the other elements are more influential.
This is another of my favourite shots from this shoot as it shows a genuine connection between the two and not become too staged which a few of the other images had become. You generally don’t see this interaction between young boys which also makes the image more interesting and influential for the viewer.

Test shoot 2

Environment, Test shoots, Visual practice

This test shoot wasn’t as successful in the way of quality as i did not take my camera to this location but did not want to miss the photo oppurtunities it would give me therefore i took these image using my phone. I aim to use photoshop to improve these images, i want to reduce the depth of field as well as perhaps turning the photgraphs black and white. i also feel it may be beneficial for the theme to add a time stamp to the images to compliment the idea of the change in events over time.

the first image shows the relationship between an older couple with many years of marriage under their belt, while the second shows a grandfather and grandson relationship which is a very different dynamic to father and son and i wanted to show this side of their bond. i also felt it was necessary to show the stereotypical ‘gangster’ teenager who is unapproachable to many. The last relationship shows Auntie and niece which is a much more playful bond than it would be with her mother which is why i had them playing with the slime.

I much prefer the lighting in the images that are angled to the right as its a lot brighter and also provides a more interesting background of the tree and other people in the background.

This is one of my favourite images from the shoot as the emotion is very raw and you can tell she is happy to be there, if i put this image in black and white it would help focus on this emotion and it would help improve the lighting in the image.

Test shoot 1

Environment, Test shoots, Visual practice