Task 1

Identity, Task 1: evaluate & analyse

Sally Mann

These two pieces of work are from Sally Mann’s series called immediate family where she focuses on her three young children capturing what its like growing up, showing the honest side with the cuts and bruises etc. This is why i chose Mann’s work because it is so pure and allows the viewer to understand the reality of childhood rather than sugar coating it, as seen in the first image. Her style of black and white creates a more powerful and sinister image at first glance until you look further into the reasoning behind the images.

The second image has a very powerful composition and pose, the path in the background representing the certain path of life her family want but facing the opposite way in contrast to the other two children she is resisting it, this is complimented by the harsh direct pose towards the camera. The prop of a cigarette is a huge taboo which has made this image very controversial but it allows for contrast between the other two children as she also wears a ring on her finger suggesting adulthood, allowing the viewer to understand she wants to experience a different path in life than the norm. This links to identity as family is part of your identity as well as her clothing and prop defining her as a person, which has overall shown a deeper meaning of how your identity doesn’t have to be set in stone because of what your family wants.

Richard Billingham

This series by Billingham focused on his alcoholic father and his violent mother, originally supposed to be used as studies for paintings the photos became a life of their own and received a turner prize nomination. The pose and lighting in these images aren’t very flattering creating a very pure image and showing the harsh reality of alcoholism. The use of props such as the toilet was very important in the first image as it enhances the idea of alcoholism for the viewer who might not be aware of the story behind the images, as the toilet is an object linked with alcohol and the side effects. By having the parents not looking directly at the camera it shows how unaware they are of their surroundings which is complimented by shooting in their everyday location. Identity is very clearly shown in these images as they show a part of the photographers identity through his parents as well as his fathers identity as a alcoholic.


Both these photographers are very similar in style by both showing purity and reality in their images although of different generations and circumstances, in some ways Billingham’s work could be a continuation of Mann’s photograph of the girl with the cigarette as drugs at a young age is likely to continue into adulthood. The two photographers use different formats, black and white vs colour, but both have complimented their work well as the colour allows for a harshness that wouldn’t have complimented Mann’s work. Overall both photographers have put a magnifying glass over their family exposing vulnerability and not being afraid of the critics which is important as a photographer should photograph what they are passionate about despite what others think.