My website

Individual project, Research- IP

I decided to have my menu across the top of the page as naturally this is the easiest way to read from left to right, i decided to create the menu as university and personal as with the work i have this was the easiest way to set it out. I also have about and contact seperatly as i feel its easier to navigate and clearer for the viewer where everything is.

I really like the layout of the front page as my name is very big and clear and i like the flower picture with the white text, I feel the flowers work well to sum up my photography as a lot of my work involves the outdoors and nature. On my front page i also have a range of images that are in my project sections just as an overview so the viewer knows what to expect.

Within each section i have a collage or slideshow of my work depending on whether the series works better being seen altogether at once or as individual images. next to this i have written a small paragraph about what the project is about and why i wanted to take the images so that the viewer understands the pictures better.

I chose a white background as i feel it helps the photos to stand out more and everything is a lot clearer and easier to read, which is why the text is black because although its basic its easy to read.

Overall i am really happy with my website as its easy to navigate and my pictures are clear and can be understand well due to the text.

Website research- Adrieana Blazin

Individual project, Research- IP

On this website you have all the options along the tops and then subsections beneath them, the writing is a very clear font which is easy to navigate as well as being black in contrast with the white making it very professional and neutral so not to affect the images. Again you have about and contact which is good for getting clients. Furthermore the white background works again as its a neutral colour that increases the contrast for the black and white images and allows all colours to be appreciated in the colour photographs.

On this website the photos are set out in a slide show, this works so that you can appreciate each photo without being influenced by any surrounding photos with different colours etc. As well as the fact if not all the pictures work together as a collective you can’t see them next to each other so it doesn’t matter. However the downside is is that it takes a lot longer to viewer all the images as you have to click through each one.

Overall i don’t think i will be using the slide show but i would like to use a white background and similar options on the menu.

Website research- Brandon Woelfel

Individual project, Research- IP

On this website He has all his work in one place and you scroll down through them all, this only works because his style is the same across all the images, whether its a portrait or a landscape image he edits all the images with the same tone and therefore all work well together. This is good because if you looked at an image you could straight away be able to tell it was a Brandon Woelfel image which i would like to find in my own work although for my website it will work much better with different sections so i can show my different projects and how they work as a series.

He also has a range of other options that i havent seen on other websites such as gear i use and before and after, this is actually very useful as it shows how he creates the photos in the first lace as well as post production allowing others to learn about photography. Although i won’t be including this on my own i think it is a good idea for professional photographers to help those learning.

Again he has used a white background which works well with his images as they are very dark and a blue tone so the white background increases the contrast and allows the photographs to be the main focus and easily looked at.

Website research- David butler

Individual project, Research- IP

On the home page of this website you have his name as well as a full print of his images which is nice to see them in full view, however this does mean that you can’t easily see the menu which you have to click in the top left corner to view.

I do also quite like the alternative view of the photos within the sections. by having one image in large while the others smaller and able to click on to see in a bigger viewer, although this is different to other websites I’ve seen its not necessarily for the better, its much more difficult than an easy slideshow or scroll down. However i do like that he has written a small sentence about each series of photos as it gives the viewer an insight into why and what the series is about which i would definitely like to include on my own website as most of the time photographs need text in order for them to come to life and mean something to someone.

This website like the others also has a white background which definitely works in this case as his photos are either black and white, so the white helps with the contrast, or they’re really bright which helps for the colours to really jump off the page and become more intriguing. He also has his social media, contact details and info about himself which is very important so that viewers get to know him as well as being able to see more photos on his socials and people being able to contact him if they want him for a job etc.

Overall i do like how this website is different in layout to the others but this isn’t really an improvement as it is harder to view the images and navigate the page.

Photographer research – Ernesto Artillo

Individual project, Research- IP

For my last photographer research i wanted to look at another collage artist so i found Artillo, who although uses more paints and deconstructs the images more, uses a very similar composition to what i envisioned.

i like how he uses a white background so that all of the colours and textures can stand out and be appreciated. I also like how its created a 3d effect by placing the elements both underneath and on top of the model which will draw the viewer in more rather than a 2d flat image as it makes you feel part of the photograph. I like the combination of colours in these images as you have the black and white model in contrast with the bright red paint in both images followed by the slightly more subtle pastel shades which bring out the colours in the flowers. the shapes created by the paint are perfect for the image as it compliments the curves of the flower as well as being more delicate then a harsh line which symbolises the delicate flower, I should consider this in my own collage as I am working with floral images and other nature images

I will be using a white background in my own work as well as placing the other photographs on top and underneath the main image to create the same effect as seen in these images, it will enhance the depth i have already created in the original image.

Photographer research – Jesse Treece

Individual project, Research- IP

Although this is not necessarily the collage style i was going for i do like the way he incorporates nature in his images. The second image gave me an idea of what shapes i could use in my own collage, although i wouldn’t want to cover the models face i could place it underneath the image, allowing the flowers to be seen either side of the main image.

In terms of the other two images i prefer the first as with her hand across the other picture it feels more surreal and all the elements of the collage come together as one rather than in the third image where they are very much separate although it covers her face. I will definitely be considering this in my own collages. Also, compared to these collages, i would like to have more than one element other then my main image so that there is more too look at, as theses are just in two parts which isn’t as interesting for the viewer.

Photographer research – Erin case

Individual project, Research- IP

My original inspiration for the collage element of my project came from Case as i had previously looked at her work at A level. I liked how in one of her images she surrounded the model with other objects and textures, as seen below:

I thought i could incorporate this in my work by using other pictures of flowers of a similar colour and texture that way the viewer gets to understand what makes up the pictures and also moves my project away from just being an average set of portraits I’ve taken. Although she also removes the faces of her models as the series is called haircut and this is the basis for her own series, i will not be using this element in my own work as i still want the series to be based on nature and therefore the images should be natural.

I also like how in the image the elements of collage don’t all look the same, you have the diamond perfectly cut out in comparison to the triangle and the other abstract shapes. I would like to use this in my work with the flowers being both underneath the image and on top, as well as some being the shape of the flower and others being a triangle or rectangle etc.

Overall i like the concept of Erin Case’s work and it has definitely inspired my own ideas, i would like to look further into other collage artists that may also add to my photographs.

Website research- liller photo

Individual project, Research- IP

Whats different about this website is that the title is not the photographers name which doesn’t make it as clear for the viewer although you can find it out in the about section. i like that she again has a white background but with a pop of colour with the floral design which compliments the idea of her wedding photographs well as they are very delicate and feminine. i also like the layout of the photographs as you have one photo large while along the bottom you have the upcoming images giving you a preview of whats to come.

comparing this website with Kelley’s i feel the layout of photographs is better as you can see everything together rather than having to scroll down you can swipe across, although i feel i prefer the sections to be down the side rather than across as its easier to read. I’m almost certain a white background will look best for my website as it looks so clean.

Website research- Mike Kelley

Individual project, Research- IP

I really like the simplicity of his website with the options down the side with the pictures to the right, i like the idea of a white background as it will compliment all my photographs well rather than picking a colour which could clash with certain images.

His options include, portfolio, commissions, about, projects etc. Although i don’t have any commissions i could include the portfolio for all my best images as well as projects so that my viewers can see certain photos as a series also allowing me to explain them in a paragraph. About as well as contact is very important so that the viewer can understand my work and who i am as a photographer and of course how to get in contact with me.

I like that Kelley has his own logo as it represents his photography as well as just giving an extra touch, although i may not have one yet this could be something to consider in the future.

Overall i like how fresh and clean the website looks and it was easy to navigate through, however when clicking on to see his photos you had to scroll down to see them rather than a collage or swiping which may have been easier. Furthermore as he only uses black and white it could be seen as quite boring so i may experiment with the text colour to make it more exciting.

Photographer research- Irene Rudnyk

Individual project, Research- IP

Rudnyk is a Self-taught fashion and lifestyle photographer whose behind-the-scenes videos and photography vlogs on her self-titled channel have earned her 600,000 subscribers. Her portfolio is published on her Instagram account irenerudnykphoto which is where i found out about her style and photos and how they could influence my own work.

I like the idea of creating depth by looking through the flowers and create a blurred flower in the foreground of the image as not only does it allow the viewer to understand the colours within the image it also draws them towards the detail and the model in the image, especially seen in the third image. I love how in all the images the model is perfectly complimented by the lowers with the yellows and white with the blonde models while the bright and more dark colours with the brown haired models which i feel really works in the image. of course in my own i will have to use the same model throughout but its good to know for future shoots. Again you can tell these are all taken by the same photographer as she has a particular style and edits her images in the same way which is important in creating a cohesive series. In all the images the whole tone and lighting in the image compliments the flowers well as the brighter colours have more bright and sunlit lighting while the dark purple is overall dark in tone and wouldn’t have worked nearly as well with brighter lighting.

Overall i really like Irene’s style of photography and will definitely be using her idea of depth in my own images.