Reflective journal task 1

Contextual studies, Contextual work - More, Environment
Unusual, abstract, dull
monotone, collage, cars
regal, constructed, monotone

This image represents how genres can be blurred and shifted by having documentary and a constructed fashion photograph within the same image. With the image being very busy and colourful it may suggest this photograph’s main purpose is not to sell the garments and there may be a further iconological meaning. There is not only contrast in genre but also in location as it is an abstract setting for a constructed fashion image, and in colours where the females to the left are wearing much darker clothes which in turn draws the audience to the more colourful garments to the right. The photograph has been taken as an environmental portrait which allows the audience to see the rest of the environment around the models which has added to the unusual abstract feel to the image. What I also find interesting about the image is the way the models are positioned; the different levels create depth as well as the 3 back models seemingly pointing to the right of the image while the final model pointing to the left which creates balance. This positioning should also divert the audience to a particular direction of the image with the viewer following the majority to the right corner but as the more interesting aspects of the image are to the left it seems odd the photographer would do this.

“a photograph tells us nothing about the inner workings” – Bertolt Brecht

The quote has made me realise a single photograph cannot show all the emotions and information etc about an experience and therefore I have realised a series of images or a collage would allow me to convey all of my ideas and meanings to the viewer. And therefore a single photograph can provide false information when a photograph should be the one reliable copy of reality as it provides proof for so many institutions around the world.

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